Seriously it is dreadful.
Today is windy, rainy, cold, dark, miserable and yet we are pawing over the map and scrolling through our collected Harrier snaps and desperate to get out again. I dreamed about them last night!! It isn't healthy but they are so compelling and stunning. According to my beautiful Christmas present from Matt and Maz (cheers guys) A hardback full colour RSPB book of British Raptors - our rare pals will be heading upland in coming weeks for breeding and so we mayn't see them again until they finish rearing their offspring (fingers crossed for that - as Forest of Bowland Grouse Moors are dangerous places for nesting hen harriers -apparently thanks in no small part to evil gamekeepers who trash nests, eggs and kill chicks)
Anyway we had a to take some of the kids to a voluntary placement yesterday afternoon and half an hour drive in the opposite direction is Barn Owl Hill/Harrier walk - that would leave us approx 20 mins up there to see what was happening - long way for 20 mins.. to hell with it!
It was windy up there and not the brightest day but we saw him hunting over the moor and watched his for 5 minutes or so. A couple of buzzards then flew over making a big noise and the harrier sloped off over the ridge.
I reckon despite our misgivings about the weather we'll be up there again today (just can't help ourselves)
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