Spent a weekend with the Woods in Wales (Vale of Conwy) Beautiful cottage and a great time- thanks to Tim and Kiran for the treat.
Pants and I arrived early and couldn't access the house so explored the remote and beautiful surroundings high above the River Conwy. It was cold and bleak and very quiet. We stopped at one point to enjoy the view and out the corner of my eye I spotted something running towards us far across the field and made the crazy HARE face. Within seconds it was clearly no such thing but in fact a fox. A big fox and it was running straight towards us. We were somewhat hidden by the hedgerow which gave us an advantage and we took cameras and snapped merrily away as he came closer, rounded a pond and then-for some reason about turned and bounded (I can only describe it as joyfully) right across the field passing afronted but not spooked sheep on the way.
Years ago as a child we used to see foxes sometimes in day light but I haven't seen one for years (Last regularly fox sightings for me were around housing estates and in towns at night) Really lovely to see one in broad daylight in a natural country setting.
Other highlights were the buzzards that circled below eye level (the house being so steeply set over the valley) and who perched for long periods on trees and posts around the property, occasionally, bravely swooping down to scrabble for worms and slugs amongst the mole hills. Oh mighty mighty hunter!!
Nipped up to the coast one day and heard but couldn't photograph Choughs which is a shame. Also comorants and oyster catchers and gulls galore.
Enjoy Mr Fox and also a picture of a gooseander with a little fish in bill- note the serated teeth.