Sunday, 23 December 2012
Knotts over River Dee
Friday, 27 July 2012
Osprey at Esthwaite Water
Short break in Lakes with the family and we were so much hoping to see our first osprey (a pair have nested near Esthwaite this year) Spent 40 mins standing on the shore being eaten by midgies before recognizing that it was just such poor light anyway.
Today we hired a row boat for an hour and with much squealing and panicking of nervous sailors in our midst and much jumping and wriggling from our canine friends on board set forth for new shores.
We spied a couple of birds we thought might be our culprit but on closer inspection they were buzzards with feathers missing from tails and wings making them look different. Suddenly whilst admiring the crested grebes and chicks we saw the Osprey above us. Clear to id with the naked eye, it soared higher and higher though and we lost it in sun glare.
This picture at least shows what it is and has left me desperate to see another on closer.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
White Tailed Eagles (Sea Eagles)
Short Eared Owls on Mull
Hen Harriers on Wonderful Isle o' Mull
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Kestrels nesting on building
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Merlins and Mountain Hares
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Wild times in Scotland
Just back from a fantastic 2.5 weeks in Scotland. We took a week and half at Fionnphort, Ross of Mull in the tent and a further week at our beloved Applecross in Wester Ross.
Firstly, if thinking of camping on Mull- definitely check out Fidden Farm campsite at Fionnphort (near to the ferry for Iona) What a fab place- and if the weather is poor it generally appears to clear up in the evenings (though it's windy so bring extra tough pegs)
Ferry to Iona is 1.25 miles away down the lane with possibility of seeing seals, otters, mountain hares and hen harriers en route. Cost of a return to Iona is £4.80 and lasts 10 minutes.
We saw three hen harriers, loads of seals and mountain hares and a mink one morning ran out of the sand dunes and leisurely made its was across the beach (with us following and snapping away and many a surprised early morning camper calling OTTER! So notter otter! Check out the pictures!)
Our new pup Kyra thought she'd died and gone to heaven after a long car journey from Cerridigion to Lancashire and then another to Mull. She loved running wild through the heather, bracken and rough grass (saw 5 voles on account of her innate flushing abilities)
Had some wonderful days seeing stuff we weren't expecting like: short eared owls and once a stoat still half in ermine with a vole in its mouth.
Also otters, otters and otters. First a lone otter silhouetted on a rock as we drove past (the only otter seen but never photographed, even badly) Then three spotted from the car by Pants and we rushed down the slippery seaweed-bound rocks of the shore in time for P to get some really close up shots through awful weather of mum and two cubs rolling about in seaweed play fighting. Time I arrived mum was swimming around grunting at us... we took her warning and withdrew to give them some peace.
Then we stopped in a lay by and realised a number of people had seen an otter hunting off the shore and were busy snapping away (the first otter we have photographed not originally spotted by us) After the other snappers left the otter came to shore and we grabbed a few shots of it eating a crab.
Some time later in the week we went back to the same loch and as we walked the dog along the cost I suddenly saw an otter run out in front of me and into the sea. Photographed it hunting for a while and then went back to fetch the car and get the dog some water. Drove back and the otter was still out there but came in slightly and ate an eel on a recently emerged rock right in front of us.
Then on the way back to the campsite we stopped on a whim opposite the Craignure Inn, ostensibly to give the dog a stretch and a drink. Couldn't belive my eyes when what I had thought to be some seaweed washing up near the slip way turned out to be a very unsteady cub rootling about in weed at the edge for crabs. Fired a number of shots in great light before losing sight. Then saw otter swimming away around the pier. Pants and Kyra headed up the pier and started to snap away. While I fired off a few shots of the otter I was startled by realising that their otter wasn't the cub. The cub was right in front of me (about 6-8feet from my feet)
It disappeared around the edge of some rocks and I squatted down and snuck further along the slip way when suddenly it was there, back turned to me eating a fish. I started to photograph it when it jumped around startled by my presence. It was only a small cub and obviously did a swift risk assesment determining that losing the fish was the worst of two evils & so facing me it gobbled away and I got 29 pictures at very close quaters in perfect light. Unbelievable luck after all these years sitting in rock pools being battered by hail attempting to photo otters 40-80 feet off.
We were totally delighted with 8 otters on Mull.
Applecross is another story!!
Wll unpate in few days with APPLECROSS bit- meanwhile please enjoy the snaps here and we may add more in their own post. Please do not use these pictures without permission.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Sparrowhawk or Goshawk
Saw this bird sweep in across the river Hodder and dive to grab a rook (in a group, all standing, in an open field) All the rooks flew up with a big racket and chased the predator who flew into a lone tree in the field) We watched from the rear patio of the Inn at Whitewell, Forest of Bowland.
Easily spotted bird in the tree and one of the photos is not even cropped. We think it is a goshawk (could be female sparrowhawk BUT really try and look at the feet and the big pantaloons- spoken like a real birder there)
C'mon Goshawk in Whitewell valley? Totally possibly. Would a female sphk swoop out of a woodland across a river and open field on chance of nabbing one rook out of a sitting flock? Unless she had young (too early) this seems a bit of a gamble doncha think?
Sorry pics are not great but comments welcome.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
The elusive wren building a nest
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Barn Owls again
In a rush to get some fresh air this evening before the dark and promised rain arrived. Not really expecting to see a barn owl when of course.. we saw a beautiful bird hunting in the orchard area on the old familiar spot of "Barn Owl Hill"
It landed on a post and quietly posed for us as we peered over the wall. So heart soaring again this evening. Can assure you a barn owl a day keeps the blues away!