Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Off tiger spotting in India; have a great summer
Have a great summer folks and stay wild for us. We're off tiger shooting in India (with cameras you understand) Have absolutely no belief we will see any Tigs but hopefully we'll return with a few pictures of beautiful birds and butterflies at least.
If you want to follow our 6 week trip around Kerala then please scooch across to:
Or follow us on Twitter:-
Monday, 4 July 2011
Videos of a Marsh Harrier hunting at Leighton Moss Nature Reserve
Here are a couple of videos taken of a Marsh Harrier hunting at Leighton Moss. It was on full zoom, so excuse the shaky camerawork! By the way, the noise is from nearby black-headed gulls rather than the marsh harrier itself.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Connection with the pros
Yes Wild with Pants may be a very amateur enterprise BUT we do have connections with the professionals of wildlife conservation, ecology and science you know.
Big shout out to my littlest sister Jess Walkup to say congrats on a great moment on BBC Scotland "Good Morning Scotland" Her bit starts at about 2.20into the show!
Picture Jess and Pants!